

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Continuing on the Path to Greatness

Dearest friends, followers, and footballers alike,
I hope you enjoyed the last post as much as I did writing it.  Now enough with the laughter, it is time to get serious with what the future of US Women's soccer may look like.  I believe a great word for the future of this team will be adjustment and adaptation.  There is a new coach, there will be new players, there will be new tactics, and there will be plenty of blood sweat and tears.

Since the golden victory match over Japan in the 2012 London Olympics, so much has already happened with these amazing ladies.  Hope Solo released her book Solo: A Memoir of Hope and gained national recognition for it (I have the book and plan on reading it over Thanksgiving break!).  Alex Morgan is taking on the face role of a Nike symbol to women everywhere.  Her skill with the ball has made her an international icon and she has signed a deal with Simon and Schuster's for Young Readers to write a three book series that will reach out to the youth about building leadership skills in soccer.  Megan Rapinoe is taking a stand with large corporations and winning awards from the LA Gay and Lesbian Center.  She was nominated and placed in their board of directors; she will do great things!  Abby Wambach, Christie Rampone, and several other US ladies are traveling the country spreading awareness about women's soccer and helping explode the lady footballer industry.  But what about on the field?  What is the team doing to stay in tip-top shape and prepare for the 2015 World Cup in Canada?

They're still training their butts off, duh! Here, let me show you! Even though this is a pre-world cup video, this is basically what these girls are doing in the gym.  I hope this (in an Arnold voice) PUMPS YOU UP!
 oh yeah annnnnnnnnnnnnnnd this

These videos say more then I ever could.  The ladies are finishing up their victory tour and are beginning to travel overseas to play other international teams.  The World Cup in 2015 will be here before you know it.  And it will not be far away!  CANADA BABY!  There is so much to get excited about with this team and the upcoming years.  We will get to see a new coach, new players, new tactics and who knows what else.  There are many changes coming.  These ladies must keep on top of their game and stay focused to continue on the path the greatness!  Can greatness be found in the upcoming years??? I want to know what you think!  Tweet at me or comment below.  Thank you all for being loyal followers!

Love the business.  Love the Game.  Love the future of USWNT.

Monday, November 12, 2012

GOT Game Faces?

Dearest Friends, Family, Footballers, and Followers alike,
I would like to first off say THANK YOU for being such loyal followers of my blog.   I hope it has triggered giggles, grins, and giddyness for the USWNT.  I have decided to write another blog that will be more visual then wordy.  After all, pictures are worth a thousand words (or, lets be honest, just WAY more fun to look at then words!).  That being said this blog is a tribute to the Game Faces of out beloved US Women's National Team.  Being a soccer player myself, I found out by parents taking pictures at games that whenever I had the ball I ALWAYS stuck my tongue out when I was in the zone.  I would have never known that had someone not snapped a picture of me in the moment.  Therefore the "tongue out" is my game face.  When you are on the field playing, the last thing you think about is what the heck your face is doing, alls you care about is what is going on at your feet, where the ball is, and who you have to plow over next to get it to the goal.  That being said, I am sure the Us ladies would agree that the face has a mind of its own when game time hits.  Shall we check them out in action? I hope you enjoy this post as much as I did putting it together.  ENJOY GAME FACES!
Git it gurl!
Alex Morgan everyone! Graceful always
Picture Abby making the Chewbacca growl



Get her Pinoe GET HER


Okay this one may have been planned....

I GOT IT rawr

S*** I don't got it....
This picture is funny because Hope initiated it haahaha

IT WENT IN THE GOAL!!!!!!!! BEst Game Face of ALL TIME!

Well now that I am peeing my pants with laughter finding these photos, I hope you enjoyed them as much as I do.  All of the USWNT players got game faces.......DO YOU?!?!?

Love the business.  Love the game.  Love USWNT Game Faces. 

Monday, November 5, 2012

New USWNT Coach Found

ATTENTION friends, followers, and footballers alike!  A new USWNT coach has been found!  It was only but two weeks ago when I wrote about how the search process was getting into full swing, and now BOOM; new coach.  Pia has made her way back to Sweden, and will be missed every single match.  However, regardless of having huge shoes to fill, without further or do, I introduce to you the new coach of the USWNt, Tom Sermanni.
picture compliments of ESPN FC
The head coach of the Australian women's national team was a fine choice by Gulati (USA Soccer President).  His resume stacks up to be incredibly similar to that of who he is replacing; Pia herself.  He was intriduced and spoke at a press conference on Wednesday where he spoke of his many long years of involvement with women's soccer and his excitment to be a part of this team.  His extensive international experience is what more then likely put the odds in his favor of recieving the honorable position.  Australia had never won a game at the World Cup finals until Sermanni took position as head coach where they made their way to quarterfinal games multiple times.  He has extensive amounts of experience working with younger players, which is crucial since there is young talent on the US team already including Alex Morgan and Sydney Leroux to name a few.  This is also very important because there are many vetrans on the team who are begining to get rather close to retirement.  For instance by the 2015 World Cup Abby Wambach will be 35, heather Mitts 37, Shannon Boxx 38, Christie Rampone 40, and even Hope Solo 33 (*tear*) are all getting up there in age.  Although they may still be a round for a few more years, the time to start building young players who will be able to jump into those positions is NOW!  This is crucial to help keep the USA reputation of GREAT soccer alive.  Tom is the perfect person to take on that challenge because of his experience working with young players and helping them improve up to the big girls stage.  He will be able to work actively with those younger girls in the U-20 teams and down to help prep for the big guns.  But of coarse with great power comes great responsibilty and Sermanni has a HUGE resposibilty and reputation to live up to and will be expected to compete with what Pia brought to the USWNT for so many years.  Overall the reaction is that Sermanni is going to do great things with this US team and all the spot lights will be on him.  I am presonaly realy excited to see what he can do in this upcoming season when he starts coaching in January! KEEP THE GREATNESS ALIVE SERMANNI!  Don't let us soccer lovers down.
The US Women are very excited to have Tom as their new coach, which is a great foot to begin on!
Sermanni's coaching style is very similar to that of Pia's coaching style.
He has the ability to work with youth to help shape young players into stars.
Below is the press conference with Tom when he was introduced as the new USWNT coach.  WATCH IT!

Love the business.  Love the Game.  Love the USWNT.  Love Tom like you would love Pia ( in time).
Have a wonderful day!  Thanks for reading!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Happy Halloween USWNT Style!

So in the spirit of it being the first day of November and the day after Halloween, let us recap shall we! On twitter I am following the fabulous golden girls of the US Women's Soccer team, and many of them posted pictures from their spooky evening.  I am going to keep this blog short and to the point, and share some of the picture the crazy ladies posted of their crazy evening.  This just goes to show another reason that I love these ladies so much because not only are they ballers on the field, but they are hilarious and love Halloween just as much as I do!  Therefore I am keeping the text to a minimum :)  Enjoy these crazy ladies!

Heather O'Reilly as Kate Middleton and Prince William

This is the ONLY place Sydney Leroux could fine to place her things.....WHY you might ask?  Look below.

Alex Morgan and Syndy Leroux go as the golden girls of gymnastics Gabby and  McKayla. HAHAHA

Abby Wambach, Sydney Leroux,  Shannon Box, Alex Morgan YES

Sydney Leroux loves Halloween about as much as I do....THIS IS AWESOME!

I hope you all enjoyed! And had a very happy Halloween!

Love the business.  Love the game.  Love Candy.  Love USWNT.