

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Continuing on the Path to Greatness

Dearest friends, followers, and footballers alike,
I hope you enjoyed the last post as much as I did writing it.  Now enough with the laughter, it is time to get serious with what the future of US Women's soccer may look like.  I believe a great word for the future of this team will be adjustment and adaptation.  There is a new coach, there will be new players, there will be new tactics, and there will be plenty of blood sweat and tears.

Since the golden victory match over Japan in the 2012 London Olympics, so much has already happened with these amazing ladies.  Hope Solo released her book Solo: A Memoir of Hope and gained national recognition for it (I have the book and plan on reading it over Thanksgiving break!).  Alex Morgan is taking on the face role of a Nike symbol to women everywhere.  Her skill with the ball has made her an international icon and she has signed a deal with Simon and Schuster's for Young Readers to write a three book series that will reach out to the youth about building leadership skills in soccer.  Megan Rapinoe is taking a stand with large corporations and winning awards from the LA Gay and Lesbian Center.  She was nominated and placed in their board of directors; she will do great things!  Abby Wambach, Christie Rampone, and several other US ladies are traveling the country spreading awareness about women's soccer and helping explode the lady footballer industry.  But what about on the field?  What is the team doing to stay in tip-top shape and prepare for the 2015 World Cup in Canada?

They're still training their butts off, duh! Here, let me show you! Even though this is a pre-world cup video, this is basically what these girls are doing in the gym.  I hope this (in an Arnold voice) PUMPS YOU UP!
 oh yeah annnnnnnnnnnnnnnd this

These videos say more then I ever could.  The ladies are finishing up their victory tour and are beginning to travel overseas to play other international teams.  The World Cup in 2015 will be here before you know it.  And it will not be far away!  CANADA BABY!  There is so much to get excited about with this team and the upcoming years.  We will get to see a new coach, new players, new tactics and who knows what else.  There are many changes coming.  These ladies must keep on top of their game and stay focused to continue on the path the greatness!  Can greatness be found in the upcoming years??? I want to know what you think!  Tweet at me or comment below.  Thank you all for being loyal followers!

Love the business.  Love the Game.  Love the future of USWNT.

Monday, November 12, 2012

GOT Game Faces?

Dearest Friends, Family, Footballers, and Followers alike,
I would like to first off say THANK YOU for being such loyal followers of my blog.   I hope it has triggered giggles, grins, and giddyness for the USWNT.  I have decided to write another blog that will be more visual then wordy.  After all, pictures are worth a thousand words (or, lets be honest, just WAY more fun to look at then words!).  That being said this blog is a tribute to the Game Faces of out beloved US Women's National Team.  Being a soccer player myself, I found out by parents taking pictures at games that whenever I had the ball I ALWAYS stuck my tongue out when I was in the zone.  I would have never known that had someone not snapped a picture of me in the moment.  Therefore the "tongue out" is my game face.  When you are on the field playing, the last thing you think about is what the heck your face is doing, alls you care about is what is going on at your feet, where the ball is, and who you have to plow over next to get it to the goal.  That being said, I am sure the Us ladies would agree that the face has a mind of its own when game time hits.  Shall we check them out in action? I hope you enjoy this post as much as I did putting it together.  ENJOY GAME FACES!
Git it gurl!
Alex Morgan everyone! Graceful always
Picture Abby making the Chewbacca growl



Get her Pinoe GET HER


Okay this one may have been planned....

I GOT IT rawr

S*** I don't got it....
This picture is funny because Hope initiated it haahaha

IT WENT IN THE GOAL!!!!!!!! BEst Game Face of ALL TIME!

Well now that I am peeing my pants with laughter finding these photos, I hope you enjoyed them as much as I do.  All of the USWNT players got game faces.......DO YOU?!?!?

Love the business.  Love the game.  Love USWNT Game Faces. 

Monday, November 5, 2012

New USWNT Coach Found

ATTENTION friends, followers, and footballers alike!  A new USWNT coach has been found!  It was only but two weeks ago when I wrote about how the search process was getting into full swing, and now BOOM; new coach.  Pia has made her way back to Sweden, and will be missed every single match.  However, regardless of having huge shoes to fill, without further or do, I introduce to you the new coach of the USWNt, Tom Sermanni.
picture compliments of ESPN FC
The head coach of the Australian women's national team was a fine choice by Gulati (USA Soccer President).  His resume stacks up to be incredibly similar to that of who he is replacing; Pia herself.  He was intriduced and spoke at a press conference on Wednesday where he spoke of his many long years of involvement with women's soccer and his excitment to be a part of this team.  His extensive international experience is what more then likely put the odds in his favor of recieving the honorable position.  Australia had never won a game at the World Cup finals until Sermanni took position as head coach where they made their way to quarterfinal games multiple times.  He has extensive amounts of experience working with younger players, which is crucial since there is young talent on the US team already including Alex Morgan and Sydney Leroux to name a few.  This is also very important because there are many vetrans on the team who are begining to get rather close to retirement.  For instance by the 2015 World Cup Abby Wambach will be 35, heather Mitts 37, Shannon Boxx 38, Christie Rampone 40, and even Hope Solo 33 (*tear*) are all getting up there in age.  Although they may still be a round for a few more years, the time to start building young players who will be able to jump into those positions is NOW!  This is crucial to help keep the USA reputation of GREAT soccer alive.  Tom is the perfect person to take on that challenge because of his experience working with young players and helping them improve up to the big girls stage.  He will be able to work actively with those younger girls in the U-20 teams and down to help prep for the big guns.  But of coarse with great power comes great responsibilty and Sermanni has a HUGE resposibilty and reputation to live up to and will be expected to compete with what Pia brought to the USWNT for so many years.  Overall the reaction is that Sermanni is going to do great things with this US team and all the spot lights will be on him.  I am presonaly realy excited to see what he can do in this upcoming season when he starts coaching in January! KEEP THE GREATNESS ALIVE SERMANNI!  Don't let us soccer lovers down.
The US Women are very excited to have Tom as their new coach, which is a great foot to begin on!
Sermanni's coaching style is very similar to that of Pia's coaching style.
He has the ability to work with youth to help shape young players into stars.
Below is the press conference with Tom when he was introduced as the new USWNT coach.  WATCH IT!

Love the business.  Love the Game.  Love the USWNT.  Love Tom like you would love Pia ( in time).
Have a wonderful day!  Thanks for reading!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Happy Halloween USWNT Style!

So in the spirit of it being the first day of November and the day after Halloween, let us recap shall we! On twitter I am following the fabulous golden girls of the US Women's Soccer team, and many of them posted pictures from their spooky evening.  I am going to keep this blog short and to the point, and share some of the picture the crazy ladies posted of their crazy evening.  This just goes to show another reason that I love these ladies so much because not only are they ballers on the field, but they are hilarious and love Halloween just as much as I do!  Therefore I am keeping the text to a minimum :)  Enjoy these crazy ladies!

Heather O'Reilly as Kate Middleton and Prince William

This is the ONLY place Sydney Leroux could fine to place her things.....WHY you might ask?  Look below.

Alex Morgan and Syndy Leroux go as the golden girls of gymnastics Gabby and  McKayla. HAHAHA

Abby Wambach, Sydney Leroux,  Shannon Box, Alex Morgan YES

Sydney Leroux loves Halloween about as much as I do....THIS IS AWESOME!

I hope you all enjoyed! And had a very happy Halloween!

Love the business.  Love the game.  Love Candy.  Love USWNT.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Made of Awesome: Megan Rapinoe

She is the queen of women's soccer.  She had the most perfect pass in I have EVER seen to Abby Wambach in the 2011 goal vs Brazil (you soccer lovers know what I am talking about).  She is a member of the USWNT and the women's Seattle Sounders team.  She is always laughing and being a nut on and off the field.  She has a t-shirt made just because of her hair.  In fact, she has a twitter page dedicated just to her hair.  She is my FAVORITE soccer player in the world, and she is the queen of all that is awesome.  She is the one and only, Megan Rapinoe.
I mean for real, check out this hair.
The excess celebration in the 2012 Olympics was so great.

Oh Yeah!  And She has a twin sister :)
She may not seem so intimidating off the soccer filed, but get this girl some boots and toss her a ball and you don't stand a chance.  Her speed and skill with the ball make her a HUGE asset to the USWNT and she is a dominant key player.  She has been nominated for the Fifa Women's Player of the Year and is well worthy of it!  Watching her play soccer gives me chills and I can only hope someday I would even be a fraction as good as she is as a player.  Oh, and I wish I had as good of hops and celebration skills as she has.
The 27 year old from California played soccer at the University of Oregon and led the team to NCAA NAtional Championships.  In 2006 she became a member of the US Women's National Senior team and helped lead the team to several Gold Medals and a solid World Cup appearance.  She is an amazing midfielder and can place the ball anywhere in the net she wants to put it.  Also, if I had the balls to pull of a hairdo like hers I would, but that is why it is called the Pinoe cut.  No one can have hair cool enough to have a t-shirt made after it I mean really
Unfortunately they do not make this t-shirt anymore.  Sad, sad day.

There is so much I can say about this crazy woman.  I love her so much because of her passion for the sport and her outgoing attitude that reminds me so much of myself.  Her tattoo on her bicep says "Nature Ran My Coarse" and then the tattoo on her wrist says "Trust Yourself".  My tattoo on my side says "I am Who I am".  All relative to being yourself and living life to the fullest.  When teammate Hope Solo was asked to describe Pinoe, she laughed and simply replied "Her own person." YES!  That is exactly why I love Rapinoe so much, she is such a hoot off the field and so fun to watch on the field.  Trust me the soccer world knows Megan Rapinoe and you can easily find more information about her, but I am going to leave you with a few pictures and a video and stop rambling because I could talk Pinoe all day.  I will leave the rest of you to dig more into her story if you so desire, or if you are obsessed like me, then keep being a rock star and following the queen of awesomeness :).

This video is about Pinoe in her hometown :)  Enjoy!!!!!

Until next week Friends, followers, and footballers alike.
Love the business.  Love the game.
<3 Jule

Monday, October 22, 2012

Growth of the Beautiful Game

Exciting news soccer lovers and friends!
Several years ago a professional women's soccer league was born, and announced dead in early 2011.  Well step back haters, a new professional women's soccer league is about to be kicked off in 2013! (I apologize in advance if there are a lot of exclamation points in this post, it is just so exciting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
The yet to be named new soccer league would consist of at least 8 teams including 3 former WPS teams (Boston Breakers, Chicago Red Stars, and New Jersey Blue Sky). It is important to note that this is not a competitor to the existing leagues, but rather this is a large step up on the competitive level and professional standards.  It is a chance for a fresh start for WPS and for lady footballers all across the nation!
This has been something that professional players have craved for so long.  Our beloved USWNT has captured the heart of so many soccer lovers across the globe and they have taken the sport of women's soccer to the next level.  For so long players like Christie Rampone, Abby Wambach, Alex Morgan, and the rest of the team have spent their own money traveling the nation promoting the sport.  They don't want to beautiful sport to die out in this nation, and they are doing everything in their power to keep it alive.  The lady footballers have seen 6 seasons of WPS start and fail right before their eyes.  Rampone explains that they have looked into what went wrong, and now it is just time to improve and go to work. There is still a lot of work to be done to be able to get up to the level like the mens national team is, but the ladies are willing to work their butts of to get there!  Young, talented players like Alex Morgan want more then ever to stay in the US and play the sport they love, but if it comes down to it she said she will look to study abroad if that is the only option. We don't want this to happen!!!
This new league coming to a stadium near you in 2013 is a sign of hope.  The women's national team winning a gold medal in London this past summer was a huge part of what grabbed the attention of soccer lovers around the globe. Listen up ladies and gentleman, because this is something I am truly passionate about: Every day I talk about these women to someone.  I express my love of soccer, I go out and kick a ball around, and I cheer for every game my ladies play.  If you truly love futball, you will go out and spread the word and support this new professional league!  The women's Seattle Sounders team is my favorite team and I would love more then anything to go to a game someday. I am a huge supporter of this dream, I believe women's soccer can be bigger then any other US sport. I say BRINT IT ON!  Get out and support your teams when the league starts!  Help make the beautiful game known to others!  It is up to us to support our ladies. LET'S MAKE IT HAPPEN!
Peace. Love. Soccer. Lady Footballers <3 
Have a great day!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Replacing A Legend

Hello soccer lovers and friends alike.
Because I am still trying to cope with the loss of our dear coach Pia Sundhage(not dead, just gone), this blog is both a peek in the past and a flash into the future.
Let us start with an AMAZING video of some of Pia's accomplichements.  Every moment on this video gives me goosepimples-and if nothing else, watch Pia's celebratory dance at the end. Enjoy.
Actually I am just kidding...the video I really want to show you will not connect with blogger.
So here is the link! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v4ZmpM2Fu8o
If you enjoy Pia and would like to see the highlights of her career (including that sexy goal by Rapinoe to Wambach when the women beat Brazil in the World Cup) then this is a must watch. 
Or if you just want to see her rock out at the end of the video that is awesome too!
Now that you are all hyped up on Pia vibes, I shall share with you updates on the search for a new coach.  U.S. Soccer President Sunil Gulati addressed several media personel on the progress and process of the search for a new coach earlier this month.  Jill Ellis, Pia's assistant coach and a key player as the Youth Development Director for the women, will be filling in for the month of October or at least until they find a new coach.  She has a ton of experience working with all of the players and will do a great job.
Interviews have been held in Chiicago, and the process is in full swing.  International coaches, domestic coaches, US college-based coaches, and some coaches already in the US team mix are all on the table to be interviewed.  The hope is that a new coach is found by the end of November.  There are 10 markets and 11 investor operators who are involved in the process to make sure that the coach hired is up to the level needed.  They will play a large role in this process.  It is going to be a process and some of the coaches being interviewed are under contracts that won't be up until the end of the year.  Either way we can expect a new coach for the USWNT by the end of the year 2012.
Pia will never be able to be replaced, and her legacy will live on in the hearts and souls of the fans and players of the women's national team.

More to come on other changes in the women's professional soccer league to come in up coming blogs! 
Stay tuned!
Love the Business.  Love the Game.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

A Kick To Support Breast Cancer

As most of you know, October is breast cancer awareness month. (On a side note I can;t believe it is October already!) It is the time of year where a lot of pink will be flocking the streets.  But what about the soccer fields?  You bet!  Usually the only professional sport that is known to support the tatas is the NFL, well not anymore!  Step back buff footballers, it is time for the TRUE footballers to show their support as well!  As a part of Soccer Kicks Cancer, Major LEague Soccer and several other clubs are sporting pink in order to help spread awareness and support for breast cancer.  Limited breast cancer merchandise will be available for purchase including scarfs, hats, t-shirts, soccer balls and even cleats customized by MLS players themselves!  Several players including Fredy Montero, Chris Montius, Darlington Magbe, Kenny Cooper, and Teal Bunburry all had the opportunity to work with Addidas to add some of their own pink swag to a pair of kicks.  Not only will the players be sporting their cleats at every game this month, but the cleats will also be for sale!  LA Galaxy sported their entire team in pink tonight at their game. Breast cancer is near and dear to my heart because my grandmother suffered stage 4 breast cancer and beat it.  I have a close friend that has a mother that has just completed treatment for breast cancer, and she is fighting strong.  These women are the strongest women I know and I walk for them tomorrow. Tomorrow I am doing the Cedar Rapids, IA breast cancer walk with thousands of people to raise money for the cause.   So we have all of the best players in American sporting the color of champions, are you wearing pink today?
Love the Business.  Love the Game.  Livin' Life Crazy.  
Support the cause.  Breast Cancer Awareness Month <3
Have a great week!

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Soccer on FIRE

Chicago, pizza, beer and futball.  Who in there right mind would think that anything involving those components wasn't a good time?! Just a few days ago I took yet another adventurous trip to the windy city to see the men in red, Chicago Fire, take on Columbus Crew on a chilly September evening.  The Fire have been on a mean winning streak that has landed them a second place standing in their MLS division.  I had been to several Fire games previous years, but every game I have been to they come up short.  Needless to say I thought maybe bringing a little Iowa flavor with me to Toyota Park was a bad omen...  SPOILER ALERT: Fire actually won their game 2-1 this time! 

Anyways, the game was great!  First 5,000 fans in the stadium received a free Chicago Fire mini soccer ball compliments of ALDI.  Well isn't that a fancy way of advertising, way to go ALDI!  Since their headquarters is located in Berlin, Germany, they know how soccer is the way to get the good people in their stores.  HaHa.  Relating to that, Quaker Oats is the new sponsor of the Fire.  They signed a three year, $7.5 million dollar deal with the Fire.  The company shares similar goals with the Fire about trying to reach the youth and living a healthier life style.  It was a surprise to me because in my hometown of Cedar Rapids, Iowa Quaker Oats is one of the largest companies in the city!  So knowing I have somewhat of a connection to the Fire from Quaker Oats in CR was pretty neat to discover. 
Anyways, it was great to see a competitive match versus the two teams.  It was a chilly 50 degrees, but after tailgating, bundling up, and cheering you get pretty warm.  The Fire came back from being down an early goal to win the game 2-1.  This helped them gain more points and stay on top in that #2 spot!  Chicago: the city that I love, the team that I love, the pizza that I love,  and the memories that I cherish forever.  Thanks for another great trip!  One for the books. 
Love the Business.  Love the Game.
Have a wonderful week!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

End of an Era

Those of you who share the passion for soccer like I do will understand what a bummer it is for Pia Sundhage's to be leaving our women's national team.  After five years in charge of this amazing team with a World Cup Final, 2 Olympic Gold Medal, and a record of 91-6-10, I think it is safe to say Pia was an amazing coach.  She will be greatly missed.  She took the field for her final game today against Australia where the US women came out on top 6-2.  Shoot whey was I in class when I should have been watching Pia's final game?  "Today is Pia's day", said Wambach, "And the best thing we could give her is a win."  Could not have said it better myself Abby!  "She is going to fulfill her dreams and we are going to fulfill ours" said Solo.  The team is heartbroken to see her go, but really the moment is bittersweet.  Pia brought the game to life, and raised it to a new level of play.  She has grown women's soccer so much and has inspired so many players- myself very much included.  I love the game so much, and I love Pia and will miss her like she was my own coach.  The women's team gave Pia a guitar signed by all of them in GOLD to take back with her to Sweden. We will especially miss her singing!  Goodluck with everything Pia, you rock girl! Love the Business <3 Love the Game <3
Catch highlights of Pia's last game below.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

UNI Soccer

Hello Fabulous Followers of Fabulousness :)

I hope you all had a wonderful week!  School is getting crazy busy, but it is SO much fun and I love every minute.  I went to my first UNI Women's soccer game here a few weeks ago and it was great!  The girls didn't win....but they played really well and the atmosphere at the game was fantastic (even though it was hotter then Hades) we still had a great time.

I honestly would not have known about the game had the athletic department not promoted it so much. I think the main reason it was promoted so much was because it was a in-state rival team, the Iowa Hawkeyes, but regardless they did an AWESOME job of getting the word out!  I mean really I got oh, about three e-mails reminding me of the game.  Including the date, location, directions to the location, information in the team, links to the UNI soccer page, and more.  And there were A LOT of people there!  It was so fun!  I really just wanted to give a shout out to the athletic marketing department for promoting the game so well, sure got me there ;)  The girls fought a great game, and that is what it is truely all about.  Leaving It All On The Field.  BOOM!  Looks to be a promising season for these awesome ladies.  And hey, if you are a UNI student reading this....go SUPPORT your panthers and see them play next September 14th vs. North Dakota State at the Cedar Valley Youth Soccer Complex.  Just do it.  For realzzzzzz.

Until next time, have a wonderful week!
Love the business, Love the game


Monday, September 3, 2012

Welcome Welcome Friends!

Hello there!

This is a first post, and an intro to what you are getting into.

I hope you know you have stumbled upon something really awesome here-for real.  A blog that is inspired by my incredible love for the game of soccer AND my interest in a future career in advertising.  For my digital advertising class we have been assigned to to take something we love, soccer DUH, and combine that with the world of social media.  Sounds THRILLFUL eh?  You bet!  I will be writing/posting photos/ sharing videos/ and sharing with all you wonderful people what is happening in the women's soccer industry as it relates to the business aspect of things (and also throwing in some fun facts and updates  about players and such along the way).  Don't let the word BUSINESS scare you off, I promise not to bore you!  This will be something like you have never read before.  LOVE the business, LOVE the game.

I appreciate you stopping by! This blog will be a lot of fun. Are you SoccerREDy?!?!

Fun fact of the day, my blog name is inspired by soccer (duh) and my red on the head.

Have a fabulous day!