

Sunday, September 9, 2012

UNI Soccer

Hello Fabulous Followers of Fabulousness :)

I hope you all had a wonderful week!  School is getting crazy busy, but it is SO much fun and I love every minute.  I went to my first UNI Women's soccer game here a few weeks ago and it was great!  The girls didn't win....but they played really well and the atmosphere at the game was fantastic (even though it was hotter then Hades) we still had a great time.

I honestly would not have known about the game had the athletic department not promoted it so much. I think the main reason it was promoted so much was because it was a in-state rival team, the Iowa Hawkeyes, but regardless they did an AWESOME job of getting the word out!  I mean really I got oh, about three e-mails reminding me of the game.  Including the date, location, directions to the location, information in the team, links to the UNI soccer page, and more.  And there were A LOT of people there!  It was so fun!  I really just wanted to give a shout out to the athletic marketing department for promoting the game so well, sure got me there ;)  The girls fought a great game, and that is what it is truely all about.  Leaving It All On The Field.  BOOM!  Looks to be a promising season for these awesome ladies.  And hey, if you are a UNI student reading this....go SUPPORT your panthers and see them play next September 14th vs. North Dakota State at the Cedar Valley Youth Soccer Complex.  Just do it.  For realzzzzzz.

Until next time, have a wonderful week!
Love the business, Love the game


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