

Thursday, September 20, 2012

End of an Era

Those of you who share the passion for soccer like I do will understand what a bummer it is for Pia Sundhage's to be leaving our women's national team.  After five years in charge of this amazing team with a World Cup Final, 2 Olympic Gold Medal, and a record of 91-6-10, I think it is safe to say Pia was an amazing coach.  She will be greatly missed.  She took the field for her final game today against Australia where the US women came out on top 6-2.  Shoot whey was I in class when I should have been watching Pia's final game?  "Today is Pia's day", said Wambach, "And the best thing we could give her is a win."  Could not have said it better myself Abby!  "She is going to fulfill her dreams and we are going to fulfill ours" said Solo.  The team is heartbroken to see her go, but really the moment is bittersweet.  Pia brought the game to life, and raised it to a new level of play.  She has grown women's soccer so much and has inspired so many players- myself very much included.  I love the game so much, and I love Pia and will miss her like she was my own coach.  The women's team gave Pia a guitar signed by all of them in GOLD to take back with her to Sweden. We will especially miss her singing!  Goodluck with everything Pia, you rock girl! Love the Business <3 Love the Game <3
Catch highlights of Pia's last game below.

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